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전체 글166

[AZ-104] 덤프 문제 - 2 (Dump Quiz -2) 21. Your company has an Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) tenant that is configured for hybrid coexistence with the on-premises Active Directory domain. The on-premise virtual environment consists of virtual machines (VMs) running on Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V host servers. You have created some PowerShell scripts to automate the configuration of newly created VMs. You plan to create several.. 2022. 4. 21.
[AZ-104] 덤프 문제 - 1 (Dump Quiz -1) 1. Your company has serval departments. Each department has a number of virtual machines (VMs). The company has an Azure subscription that contains a resource group named RG1. All VMs are located in RG1. You want to associate each VM with its respective department. What should you do? C. Assign tags to the virtual machines. 2. Note: The question is included in a number of questions that depicts .. 2022. 4. 21.
첫 방문 10,000 돌파 보호되어 있는 글 입니다. 2022. 4. 19.
[JavaScript] 자바스크립트 기본기 다지기 자바스크립트 타입 기본 타입 Number - 실수, 부동소수점 64비트(double) String - 문자열 Boolean - True, False undefined - 변수에 값이 할당되지 않을 때 인터프리터가 undefined 로 할당. 값이자 타입 null - 개발자가 의도적으로 할당하는 값. typeof 값이 Object 로 반환. 따라서 === 로 확인 var nullCheck = null; console.log(typeof nullCheck === null); // false console.log(nullCheck === null); // true 참조 타입(객체 타입) Object Array - 배열도 객체로 취급 Function - 함수도 객체로 취급 NaN (Not a Number) 수치.. 2022. 2. 25.